


Mission Statement

Shop A College believes all Americans deserve to have the opportunity to attend college and enrich their lives with an education to support themselves in challenging careers. Without an education, students become at risk to a system that can become impossible to recover from its consequences. Shop A College's goal is to create a nationally-recognized college fund for all students to access and for anyone to support them. With the help of thousands of donations from viewers, student debt, dropout rates, and great numbers of homelessness can greatly decline.

Shop A College partners up with QVC, a free-to-air TV network shopping channel, to sponsor colleges in need through short ads rotating on the air for twenty-four hours. Viewers watching will see the thirty to forty-second long videos and have the chance to donate to the college of their choice. With a link and QR code at the end of every video, viewers will interact with Shop A College's website to shop for a college by being rewarded for their donations. Every dollar counts towards helping a student in need. There are always colleges and students in need that cannot access enough funding for students. We want to increase students' livelihoods to survive and set a soaring path for their future. With every donation, donors are helping to fund stuents and projects. Students will be able to lessen the pain of having over thousands dollars of debt just to have a job. Help our students by donating towards their education and supporting them for a better and brighter future.

Charitable gifts to SAC are tax deductible.


Prairie View A&M Students

Angelica T



Khalien C


Web Designer/Support

Taylor W



Tori W


Coordinator/Web Designer


Email: shopacollege@gmail.com